Our services

We offer brand representation, key account management and sales force services.

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Successful brand representation

Our services

Tell us where you need support and we’ll help you. We can tailor our POWERful services to your needs.

Team Power Force

Brand representation in Switzerland:

Representation of your brand by Power Force
  • Full service:
    key account management, (trade) marketing, logistics, sales force, ordering & invoicing to customers
  • Joint target definition and measures to achieve the target
  • Generating growth / turnaround stories or new entries into the Swiss market

Key Account Management:

  • Taking care of individual key accounts / retail customers or an entire channel (e.g. convenience)
  • Depending on your needs, orders and deliveries can still be made
    a) via the brand owner
    b) via Power Force.
  • Joint target definition and measures to achieve the target

Sales force team – services:

  • 8 sales force employees
  • Support for over 2,000 customers: Large retail chains and independent shops
  • Generation of 30 - 40% of turnover with direct sales
  • Wide range of services:
    Leasing sales force / Order intake / Direct sales / Distribution surveys / New launches / Merchandising /Promotions / Refill service / Layout changes / Surveys / Photos

Imports from 15+ countries and 50 agencies in Switzerland

We import exciting products from over 15 countries and, with around 50 exclusive general agencies, we act as an extension of the producer here in Switzerland.
We look after all relevant Swiss retailers, cash & carry and convenience key accounts via our Key Accounting Team.
We handle all free trade via our own sales force team.


Over 1800 items in our product range

We stock around 1,800 food, near-food and non-food items and beverages in our range and distribute them in Switzerland.
Our sales force team supports market launches and development through defined activities at the POS.
Attractive new products are constantly being added to our range.


Contact us for customised service solutions.



Call us for more information.

+41 62 887 50 00


Visit us in person to discuss your requirements.


Power Shop in Möriken

Visit our retail store at our headquarters in Möriken. Our entire range is on display in an area measuring 230m2 in thePower Shop and can be purchased on preferential terms.
